Chapter 16 Wiz Part 3

Wiz blushed at the compliment while glancing between the group meekly, feeling a bit pressured. "I… I-I guess I could give it a try…" she mumbled before looking at the door to the back of her shop. "I-It would certainly make the application of the item you want easier," she added with a brief smile before her blush deepened.

Kazuma just lifted a bag of coins and dropped it onto her counter with a grin in response. "Then how about we go back and apply it already?" he asked before glancing back at Darkness. "Go lock the door and put out Wiz's closed sign."

Wiz swallowed and looked at Kazuma closely as the crusader went off to do as he ordered. "J-Just a fair warning to you!" She exclaimed to get his attention in a last effort so see if he'd change his mind. "The item I have that can do what you want has a couple side-effects."

"Such as?" Kazuma asked, not surprised in the least given what he knew of the incompetent store-owner's nonsensical shop.

"T-The Incubus Rub will increase your size, stamina, a-and change your semen quantity and taste…" she trailed off and took a deep breath. "But it will also drastically raise your libido and make it much harder to hide your… excitement," she added, eyeing the young adventurer's crotch briefly.

"That's it?" The other four asked in unison before laughing together.

"That doesn't sound all that different from how things are in that manor to begin with," Kazuma replied while Wiz tilted her head confused.

"We all tend to walk around nude at home and have sex whenever we feel like it anyway," Aqua added while Wiz twitched and eyed her with surprise.

"Yeah, it really does sound like more of the same," Megumin nodded before lightly nudging Kazuma's ribs with a smirk. "You'll just be a bigger and hornier pervert than usual."

"Ooh I wonder if I can seduce him into raping my pussy for a full day after this~" Darkness said to herself dreamily upon returning as the rest of the group eyed her humorlessly. "He can ruin me non-stop until I'm a perfectly used up cock socket that's nice and loose for the baby~"

Wiz shivered as they openly admitted to their debaucherous lifestyle at home without a hint of hesitation or shame. "Right…" she trailed off as she stepped towards the door to her storage. "F-Follow me and strip down Kazuma," she instructed while glancing around her cluttered storage room to find the item she needed. "I'll be just a second, s-so get him erect please," she added, leaving them to go search while Kazuma began stripping.

"I don't think that'll be a problem," Aqua stated, grinning as Kazuma dropped his pants and showed off his already tented boxers. "Are you really that excited to get your little sword reforged?" the goddess asked mockingly as he threw his clothes away bit by bit.

"Oh, you're not?" Kazuma asked with sarcastic surprise while Aqua frowned a bit at the peppy response. "Well, I guess I can just focus on doing everyone else here and leave you all alone if you're not feeling up to it-"

"I'm sorry!" The goddess instantly exclaimed waving her arms frantically. "I-I'm a mouthy brat and I want to have fun with your big dick too!" she whined while getting on her knees and rubbing her cheek against his thigh while staring at his shaft needily.

"Hey d-don't do anything yet!" Wiz stammered while speedwalking back with a big potion bottle swishing with a thick black liquid. "He needs to be fully erect and stable for the effects to work properly."

"So, this is that Incubus Rub stuff?" Kazuma asked, eyeing the liquid curiously as Aqua pulled back and sat at his side patiently.