Chapter 19 Wiz Part 6

Wiz gasped the moment her back slapped against the stone, wrapping her arms around Kazuma's back and clawing against his skin with her nails as he practically lunged to bite at her shoulder like an animal desperate to mark his property. It was frightening and thrilling at the same time, the passion, the lust as Kazuma grabbed her waist, lifting her up so she could wrap her legs around him as well and grind her cold wet cunt against his excitedly throbbing cock. Her brain then proceeded to break the moment she felt that thick hot meat savagely impale itself into her quivering hole, a hoarse moan leaving her abused throat as she felt him violently ram himself all the way in and bash against her cervix.

Kazuma snarled and bit his teeth deeper into Wiz's soft skin, his own mind blanking momentarily as the icy grip of her pussy squeezed and rippled around him maddeningly. "Kazuma~" he grunted upon hearing Darkness' quivering voice crying behind him.

The adventurer loosened his jaw, releasing Wiz's bruised shoulder. "Sorry," he apologized to the trembling lich who just gave him a gentle understanding smile in reply. "What?!" He then snapped, looking over his shoulder at the crusader with annoyance.

"Hurry up~" the slutty blonde whined, fully nude and kneeling on the floor, her pregnant belly and milky tits heaving as she panted like a beast in heat. "She's getting too excited, she wants to meet her daddy's new dick so badly~" she said, rubbing her swollen belly with a needy expression.

"Wait your turn," Kazuma replied, turning back to Wiz and softly kissing her wounded shoulder. "I have to make things up to Wiz first," he said, slowly kissing and nipping his way up her neck while dragging her a couple inches off his cock.

"I-It's okay," she assured him, unintentionally squeezing him with every kiss and bite. "I'm a sturdy lich~" she said before whimpering as he dropped her back down digging his warm cockhead back into her deepest point.

"You're perfect and deserve better anyway~" Kazuma corrected her as he lifted her up once more. "I wish I could spend all my time with you instead of these three crazy sluts," he whined, steadily working her up and down his shaft. "You're such a good person, you're so nice and kind and you're everything these horny bitch brats aren't~"

"Hey…" Aqua and Megumin whined, fingering their needy holes desperately while Darkness just mewled and leaked more juices onto the floor.

"You don't have to go that far~" Wiz moaned sympathetically. "T-they aren't bad people~"

Kazuma smiled back sadly. "See, that's exactly what I mean, you're too nice," he told her before giving her a particularly rough thrust that made her yelp happily. "These three are awful, and all it takes to make them admit it is making them cum," he told Wiz as he settled into a pace that toed the line between hard and soft. "I can at least be honest about being awful because I don't care anymore, but those three absolutely suck and nothing I do changes it for long!"

"Is that so…" Wiz loosened her grip on his back ever so slightly, rubbing him gently. "I-I'm sure you could just ask them to be better then," she said, looking over his shoulder at the trio of girls watching her with jealous excitement. "You guys love him, right?" she asked the girls genuinely.

"Yes!" the three whined without hesitation.