World structures and Details

World Structure:

Myriad Consortium are collective constructs made of(hierarchal order):

-Omniverses(infinite am. of galaxies,universe and multiverse)

- The Hiero Pyramids(Laos Abodes, True dimensions, reality marbles)

-Verses(mortal, immortal, cosmic)



-True Globes

-Origin Nests

- Overworlds

•Above the Myriad consortiums exist the 12 firmaments

-All together they form a single Neo-plane called the gravel.

-All Neo-planes Together form a thing called, Heaven's Zero or Genesis Substratums.

-Don't worry the rest won't be nearly as complicated and most of the story doesn't happen in Heaven's Zero. There's also a reason as to why it's this complicated.

-Above the Heaven's Zero exist the 33 Heavens, each divided into 9 stratas( you can see them as layers)

-Heavens are pretty much just stupidly large pieces of lands that transcend the previous. So the first strata of the first heaven completely transcends the whole of Heaven's Zero in every form and aspect.( and so on)

-As for the beginning of the story, Genesis is just a name they use for the whole cultivation society.

•That's it for now.

Random Information:

-Difference between Class and talent-

•Talent is quite obviously what you awaken

•Class is dependant on how much of your talent you can bring out.

The more of your potential your bring out the higher your class.(it's explained more in the Nebulous rebirth chapters)

-the ranking for talent and pillars isn't the same btw

General rank of talent and class:










Awakening Ranks for Pillars:

Mortal->Earth-> Sky->Heaven->Saint->Immortal->Divine->Celestial->Sage.

All pillar groups revealed so far:

-Alpha Pillar Groups

-Omega Pillar Groups

-Origin Pillar Groups

- Exior Pillar Groups



Wisp-> Essence-> Quintessence-> Earth-> Heaven->Mystic-> Ascended-> Origin->Exior

Class(fundamental potency of the energy):

Mortal-> earth-> sky-> Heaven -> Saint -> Immortal -> Divine-> Celestial -> Sage.

-Writing this made me realize how complex I made all of this, lol. Tell me if I forgot anything.