Long day

In an unknown dimension, arcs of frozen lightning and nebulous clouds of white and grey wreaked havoc on what once held numerous flourishing life-forms.

There was no ground, no sky, no air.

Only chaos.

Amidst this chaos, a single hazy figure stood out, emitting a strong and imposing crimson aura that kept the chaos from reaching it.


As if listening to a command, the frozen lighting and nebulous clouds started dissipating into tiny mots of dark light then slowly disappeared till only the void and the figure was left.

"Sereheim, report." Asked the lone figure.

A short while after, a spherical orb with a metallic sheen appeared in front of the figure and said with a downcast but feminine voice, "We were not able to find anything noteworthy sir, but all lifeforms have been exterminated and the core has been successfully retrieved and sent to the headquarters."

"Do you take me for a fool, Sereheim?" Suddenly asked the figure, taking Sereheim by surprise.

"No sir, I would never." Sereheim answered, her voice still calm in face of her superior's wrath.

'So they are listening. Well, it does not matter. My plan is done and already set in motion…'

"Alright, I apologize for this outburst of mine. Clean the area and use void blockers to stop Time-Trons from accessing this area. When you're done, report to the General and if he asks for me tell him I'm in my chambers."

As soon as the figure said these words he simply vanished into thin air.

"This fucking Bastard knows!" Exclaimed a new voice that seemingly came from the void.

"Of course he does but that's not the problem. He still hasn't asked Major Rein for help, Surely he hasn't..." Said Sereheim whose feminine and downcast voice became imposing and regal.

"NO! There is no way! We have been preparing for this for trillions of years… I'll be damned if I let a child we raised ruin something so important. We can't afford to fail... We really… can't." said the unknown voice, his tone containing a bit of fear and foreboding.

"Calm down Sorun. I'll gather my soldiers today, gather yours as well. We'll attack his base tomorrow."

"Killing him isn't important, we simply need him away from the empire for a bit for the plan to work… as much as I hate to say it he is way too strong for us, with his strength he could've easily become an Imperial Guard." Said Sereheim without a single hint of worry in her voice.

"Alright, call me when it's time. We'll also need to find an excuse for our attack, he has a really good reputation within the Empire."

"Don't worry I have everything planned out."

The two beings continued talking and planning for a little bit more within the void before disappearing and leaving.

A few seconds later, within the same void a familiar figure reappeared.

'What a bunch of idiots.'

'The standards of this Verse baffle me, why would they talk about their plan in the open like this? If it wasn't for that stupidly strong Emperor of yours I would've completed my task cycles ago. I've just finished the task so there's no point complaining...'

After executing numerous hand signs and chanting some runic spells a golden portal opened up in front of the figure.

'Finally, the stage has been set… I can finally do it. After years of work and planning, I can finally set the gears of my plan into motion.' Thought the figure with excitement as he stepped through the portal and left the Uri verse.


Uri verse~

Avalon Empire.

Within a massive palace sculpted by heaven's most blessed architects, a dark throne of unspoken splendor resided.

Upon the Throne, an existence of Endless majesty and Authority rested.

This being had long dark hair that seemed to entice the darkness of the very abyss, beautiful Golden eyes that seemed to overlook and control all of existence, and a face that could only be described as perfect by mortal standards.

His skin seemed ethereal as it reflected all the colors in existence, from this very being an ungodly pressure emanated.

This was the Everlasting Emperor of the Avalon empire. The pillar that single-handedly supported and lifted it.

In front of this throne, a golden portal opened and the figure that had just completed its mission walked out of it.

"FINALLY!! HAHAHA, I'm back-"

As the figure walked out the portal the pressure the Emperor was emanating instantly assaulted him as he was forced to its knees.

Behind the Emperor, 12 figures instantly appeared and elevated the pressure to unbearable levels.

These were the Imperial Guards.

Beings that rose through adversity among the septillions of inhabitants of the empire and showed their value to the empire in various ways. All of them were directly blessed and trained by the Emperor himself.

"Wait-No…Stop I can explain-"

As the figure struggled in a pool of its own blood, the pressure continuously increased and almost killed the figure until the Emperor slightly rose his hand.

As soon as that action was made, the pressure vanished and with another casual wave, the figure completely healed but he was now bound by chains and the aura that had been hiding his figure disappeared, showing a rough but handsome masculine face full of scars with bloodshot eyes.

"Hm…Johmi Karmy, Son of the Rowans. Working for the Alliance of Karys as a Temporal regressor, Transmigrator, and Undercover agent."

"You were sent to observe us and steal our Verse's Flow nodes…But is that all you came here for ?" Calmly asked the Everlasting Emperor, his voice soft yet undeniable.

'How does he know any of this?! And the pressure he was emitting earlier doesn't make any sense...Now that I'm in front of him I can see he's a mortal with no cultivation but why does-'

"No answer ?" Asked the Emperor, interrupting Johmi's train of thought.

Taking a huge breath of air Johmi steeled his will and finally decided to talk.


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