Martial Gods

Aura was something everyone was born with but not everyone could wield it, so in most cases, it stayed dormant.

Some people called it life force others called it soul expression, it had a lot of names. But its main users, martial artists, referred to it as 'Divine aura' or 'Ki'.

A/N: Dont confuse Ki and Qi

Their divine auras were the metaphysical representations of their martial paths. The more complete and polished their arts were the stronger their auras would be.

When Umbra and Lucius unleashed their Divine auras the depth and complexity of their martial arts could be seen through them.

Umbra's Aura looked like an illusory ever expanding sanguine forest of death and slaughter. The aura it emitted was violent and unrestrained but it seemed oddly pure and authentic which created a strange but cohesive contrast.

His aura had exploded outward which covered the entire runic space but then it suddenly retracted and only covered his body. After he retracted the domain his aura created, the energy he emitted seemed even more violent and concentrated.

The aura Lucius released was completely different from Umbra's aura.

His body was coated in a black-and-white aura that exerted enormous pressure on the surroundings. His aura perfectly fit his martial title as it seemed to have no flaw and be the epitome of strength.

He exhaled and the aura that was coating his body started flowing through the runes on his body and soul, the more aura flowed through his runes the more power he seemed to exhibit.

His aura quickly overtook Umbra's and completely suppressed him. Despite this, Umbra stood with his back straight with eyes that held no fear.

Not wasting any more time, Umbra dashed towards Lucius at full speed. Right as he was about to crash into Lucius, space seemed to bend itself as he found himself back at his original spot.

Lucius instantly teleported in front of Umbra, taking him by surprise, and used his Overlay martial technique to fuse the power of a trillion of his punches into one then punched Umbra's face, showing no mercy.


When Lucius's fist made contact, Umbra felt pain and suffering he had never felt before.

He felt like the weight of everything in existence had been gathered into this fist and dropped on his face. Without surprise, his head exploded and his body shot through the runic space.

Not even a second later, Umbra reappeared with his head and body intact but the expression on his face was full of seriousness.

'My raw physical power dwarfs him but his exceptional runic and aura control make up for the power gap. I can tell that this punch was just to probe my healing factors but to think he'd be this powerful. This will be a good challenge.'

The sword on Umbra's back disappeared and a second later a miniaturized version of it that fit his current physical size reappeared in his hand. This large obsidian sword didn't have any runic enhancements on it as it was left virgin by its creator, but the aura it emitted screamed for slaughter and death.

Umbra stood still for a second, waiting for Lucius to pull his weapon out but after a few seconds, nothing happened.

'So I'm not worthy of your weapon huh? Alright then.' thought umbra as he slashed forward.

His slash seemed to ignore the distance between the two as his sword immediately towered over Lucius and started its descent over him, aiming to split him in half.

Lucius's pupils activated again on their own and the world stilled.

Around him, Lucius could sense trillions of strings of various colors attached to both of them, the runic space and the outside consortiums. As he gazed at these strings his mind came close to a fundamental truth of the world.

His finger lightly tapped one of the strings and Umbra's arms completely disappeared. They didn't explode nor were they destroyed, they simply disappeared from their reality alongside his massive sword.

Umbra stood a few meters away from Lucius with a flabbergasted expression as he couldn't understand what had just happened. He looked at where his arms were supposed to be and felt like something was missing but he couldn't understand nor remember what.

With a single tap of his finger, Lucius had completely erased the fundamental truths that created the concept of his 'arms'. Lucius himself was shocked as he couldn't understand what had just happened, his fingers had moved by themselves in a moment of enlightenment.

'What kind of pupils did I get exactly? How come they're so powerful in their unawakened state…'

Lucius closed his eyes and tried to communicate with his dormant pupils.

He waved his hand and time seemed to rewind as Umbra saw his hands reappearing. He looked at his hands for a second and tried to once again understand what had just happened to him and this time he understood.

"My apologies this attack of mine was not a martial art, even though I didn't do it on purpose I still violated the rules of martial etiquette. I'll be penalizing myself from now on. Let's keep going."

Umbra stayed still for a second before his aura completely disappeared and his attitude completely changed. He was finally going to take things seriously.

This time Lucius engaged the combat, as with his eyes still closed he sent out a powerful kick laced with his aura towards Umbra's neck.

Umbra dodged with no difficulty as he immediately retaliated with a powerful punch to his stomach which he successfully landed.



His fists held no aura but the power behind them was mind-boggling as Lucius's ribs immediately broke despite his powerful new body.

Lucius only got pushed back a few meters as his body tanked the punch but the damage it had done to his body and soul was visible. A trail of blood flowed down from his lips but he still firmly kept his eyes closed.

Umbra extended his hand and another sword full of slaughter aura appeared within his hand.

This time Lucius didn't take any chances as he summoned Noxus, his spear.

It was a beautiful dark golden spear with strange yet magnificent primal glyphs inscribed all over its shaft, its long obsidian curved blade had no inscriptions as it radiated an aura of peace and harmony.

They clashed and chaos ensued.

Lucius's mastery over the spear arts was precise, and calculated and seemed to have surpassed the realm of perfection as he danced around the runic space and wounded every part of Umbra's powerful body with utter ease.

On the other hand, Umbra's Great-sword style was violent and ruthless. He didn't care about any of the damage Lucius did to his body as he simply swung his great sword, aiming to Tear him apart. His martial path truly seemed to embody the carelessness and brutish ways of a Berserker.

Their clash was monstrous as they moved at speeds no one in the Myriad could perceive and exhibited physical strength that could destroy the myriad itself.

After a while, their battle reached a peak.

Lucius who still had no wound on his body and still had his eyes closed threw his spear at Umbra with all the power he could muster.

Around his spear, rotated two black and white illusory aura dragons that fueled the spear and enhanced the damage it would cause.

[Dragon Ascension.]

His spear impaled Umbra's stomach and the dragons enveloped his body before creating an explosion that shook the whole runic space.

[Divine barrage.]

Lucius extended his arm and all the aura he had left gathered into multiple spheres of extremely destructive Ki in front of him.

He waved his palm and they all shot at extremely high speeds at Umbra's figure who had his skin burnt from the previous explosion and currently looked like a sack of flesh.

As soon as the Orbs got close enough to Umbra they immediately exploded, this explosion caused no shock wave to the runic space but the damage it had done was enormous.

Umbra's soul was constantly being attacked and devoured by Lucius's strange dark aura while the white aura enhanced his soul sensitivity by a high factor.

The pain he was feeling almost drove him mad as he roared with all the power and might his soul and Will could gather.

His roar was so powerful that most of the aura that was plaguing his soul was eradicated but the damage was already done.

Umbra, which had become a sack of burning flesh, silently floated until he arrived in front of Lucius.

Even though his soul was on the verge of collapsing and his once magnificent and powerful body was in shambles his eyes still shone with confidence and courage as he wasn't planning on retreating anytime soon.

Lucius waved his hand and Umbra's soul and body returned to their original state. Even though he enjoyed their fight, Lucius never considered Umbra to be a threat nor an equal In terms of martial prowess but that didn't mean he held no respect for him.

If he wanted he could've needed the fight the second Umbra tried to grab his neck but he had decided to restrain his abilities and have a bit of fun.

"You're pretty good. Alright, I'll give you one last hit, do your best."