12 against 1

Lucius was very calm while facing these 12 powerful beings.

"Patriarch are you sure of this?"

"You are still a mortal while we are seasoned veterans that transcend the tiers. This doesn't seem fair to me." Honestly said, Noya.

To her, Lucius was being overconfident because he didn't understand the difference between the great realms.

"It's fine. I order you guys to attack me."

"Well if you insist." Said Kroy as he dashed forward at a speed exceeding light.

A chaotic but noble crimson aura exploded from his body, filling the whole area.

Kroy reached Lucius's position in no time and a spear appeared in his hands.

[12 Laws of balance: Wrathful Judgment.]

Kroy's crimson aura gained even more strength and momentum as a huge amount of Qi gathered on the spear's tip as he mercilessly pierced forward, aiming to pulverize Lucius's head.

Lucius' eyes seemed empty and bored as he looked at the incoming attack.

"Using a spear against a member of the royal family?"

His hand which seemed to be moving at speeds so slow everyone in the stands could perceive it, reached out and grabbed the spear, somehow keeping up with its speed.

His hand twisted and the spear broke, he instantly vanished from where he was and reappeared right in front of Kroy with his hand on the latter's chest.

He pressed forward, his hand passing though his chest with no resistance or difficulty whatsoever, it was as if Kroy's body was made out of butter as his palm was a hot knife.

His hand pierced through Kroy's heart as his pupils activated.

[Record: Abyssal Flames of damnation.]

Kroy's body immediately caught fire, being burnt by an extremely dark flame that seemed to be able to return anything to its origin.

He didn't have time to scream before his whole existence was burnt to ashes.

'I'm getting better at controlling the passive abilities of my pupils.'

"Who's next?"

Even though he seemed to be moving at a snail's pace, his movements were so fast not even a second had passed.

The crowd realized what had just happened and burst out cheering for their new Patriarch.

"Truly worthy of the royal blood flowing within his veins!"

"H-how did HE DO THAT?!?"




Of the remaining eleven, two stepped up, the others kept at bay.

"We are the Tempest twins. Akio and Okia, Lances of Yin and Yang."

They were two young lads who seemed to be in their mid 20's.

They both had bright green eyes. Okia had a slender figure with timid but solid curves and dark green hair while Akio was a skinny boy with lean muscles on him and light green hair. They both wore verdant matching martial robes.

Lucius didn't give them time to engage the combat and immediately dashed.

They were caught off guard by his action but before they could even react they found their feet dangling in the air as a powerful hand firmly clasped their necks.

Lucius was floating in the air with both twins firmly grasped in his hands.

The runes on his body lit up and his physical power exponentially increased giving him the power of a 12th-step extreme True earth cultivator.

His unawakened bloodline burst into power and enhanced his power, even more, allowing him to break through the second grand realm for a second.

The illusory image of a Beast God appeared behind him and his power reached unprecedented levels.

'Even this much isn't enough to snap their necks? They probably tempered their bones with something special. Let's use my domain to end this quickly, my body won't be able to hold on for long.'

[Domain: Mortal Return.]

His domain spread at unmatched speeds and covered the whole colosseum.

Within this domain, apart from him, everyone was limited to the weakest powers mortals could hold. Their thought process was slowed down to a mortal's pace and all their pillars were sealed.

He didn't waste time and immediately snapped the twin's necks before he dashed towards the nine Lances left.

Arya who was the Lance of Death found herself shooting toward the walls of the colosseum as a spear bathed in blue flames pierced her heart and threatened to devour her soul.


Lucius's pace accelerated even more. He executed multiple complex hand signs and thousands of spell circles appeared behind him.

From these circles, multiple elemental attacks raged and attacked the remaining eight. He wasn't holding anything back despite the activation of his domain, these were beyond 5th Grand realm geniuses trained by the past patriarches. He couldn't afford any mistakes.


Noya was affected by his domain but her movements showed otherwise as she easily evaded all the elemental spells and summoned her spear.

As soon as her spear appeared, a spear intent that reeked of Nihility Essence permeated through the colosseum and destroyed all of Lucius's spell circles.

Lucius summoned Noxus and closed his eyes for a second.

'Alright. You've been amazing so far but can you help me get a tiny bit of my old spear prowess back? I just need a second.'

He took a leap of faith and made a direct request to his pupils. Just as he thought his attempt had failed, his eyes shot open and the white star-like rune within his iris exploded in power.

As soon as Noya felt Lucius's power her eyes narrowed and she immediately became serious.

'This aura…'

All of the Lances had been restricting their powers to reasonable levels out of respect for Lucius, though they hadn't expected him to show such power and be able to raze them this easily, but as soon as Noya felt Lucius's spilling aura she immediately employed her full power.

The power of a 5th Grand realm expert erupted within the colosseum and its walls cracked.

The formations he had secretly embedded within it to protect the crowd started to wane and the space they were in trembled.


This was all Noya could say before she and all the other remaining Lances fell to the ground.

Her figure lay on the ground powerless. She couldn't understand what had just happened.

Her soul and body had been baptized by the True Essence of emptiness multiple times, so any type of attack from her realm and below should be void, this was one the reasons she was crowned as the most powerful lance.

But somehow his spear had managed to reach the unattainable and put her in this pitiful state.

Everyone heard a loud snap before they found themselves back in the throne room.

The 12 Lances looked at their intact bodies in wonder and stupor.

They gazed at Lucius's Divine figure whose eyes were closed. From his eyes, golden tears of blood flowed down and drenched his face.

"Was that enough?"