Nebulous Rebirth: Second Nirvana(III)

Lucius immersed himself within the world of runes that constituted all the grimoires but to his disappointment, apart from a few new sequences nothing was new to him.

Bored, he decided to observe the formations Rokuri had been drawing using his blood.

"How does time work within this space?"

"Time doesn't apply to this space, to the outside it's probably only been a few minutes since you disappeared or maybe it's been a year, I don't know. I forgot to tell you, I'll be training you until you meet the Eternal standards and reach the peak of the first great realm."

'If time doesn't apply to this space then how could a few minutes have passed on the outside? Whatever.'

"Am I supposed to know what the eternal standard is?" Asked Lucius in annoyance.

"The talents within the Academies, sects, and Temples are divided into 9 ranks."

"Fodder, Elite, Saint, Earth, Heaven, Empyrean, Primal, Origin and finally Eternal."