Nebulous Rebirth: 12 Paths

Various changes were happening within Lucius's body as his avatars settled within his primal land and started showing their domineering power.

Each of his atoms were being nourished and fundamentally changed by some strange foreign force. Their weight and potency had already far surpassed a consortium's and the power they held was monstrous.

Even though he couldn't directly feel the changes he would soon see his incredible gain of power.

'I'm only halfway through the first of the 12 steps. This speed is beyond pathetic. Let's hurry up.'

The Ethereal reflection of Lucius that had been tasked to make his 4 erudite souls unique increased his pace.

His hands moved at insane speeds as thousands of runes and formations floated and shifted around him.

He pulled a golden string and the 4 erudite souls appeared in front of him.

His Soul of Chakra appeared in front of him and his Beast God bloodline started boiling.