New Era(V): Blessed Sons and Daughter of Fate

Within a beautiful land that stretched beyond what any consortium or firmament could reach, a small tribe peacefully lived.

The people of this tribe were large humanoid beings with dark skin and silver eyes.

Their magnificent hair draped over their shoulders in the form of beautiful Locs as most of the tribesmen adopted this hairstyle.

These were the Amas.

Their main city, Karvaghu, was a beautiful place that perfectly blended their traditions and technological advances.

Across the skies, one could see a magnificent blend of pieces of machinery such as spaceships in the form of phoenixes, Dragons, and more actual mythical beasts.

The whole city's aesthetic followed this pattern as the golden streets of the city were filled with such contrasts.

"Have you heard the news?!" exclaimed a merchant as he conversed with one of his partners.