Battle of lighthouses: Liar

Seemingly coming from the Heavens a massive pillar of red energy descended, bypassing the barrier that surrounded their arena, directly reaching Kazuri.

With arms wide open, he greedily devoured all the red energy that descended as an aura full of evil and malice descended.


The space around them shook and Kazuri's power shot up, reaching unknown realms.

Despite this, Lucius calmly waited, a glimmer of interest flashing through his eyes.

'So I was right, he isn't a Sage. Hmm, if I had to guess I'd say he probably cultivates an entirely different system. One from a lesser world or maybe a gated community from an upper world.' thought Lucius as he analyzed his opponent.

'A normal Sage wouldn't be affected by anything that is mortal, whether it be laws, aspects, physical power, or spells. Nothing would pass through them. Now the question is, why is he cultivating this inferior system, and who is he exactly?'

From the mass of red energy, a new figure emerged.