Dark Prince: Spiral Death

12th firmament.

Cramiu Fields.

Within the 12th firmament, a grand battle took place.

On one side, mindless beasts covered in the blood of their enemies, their eyes consumed by wrath as they relentlessly charged forward.

On the other, warriors of great stature covered in golden armor valiantly fought back and eradicated what they called 'The pests of Heaven'.

Amidst this chaotic battlefield, one would expect the sound of gruesome death and weapons clashing to reign supreme but that was far from the truth.

An angelic humming reverberated through the battlefield as Aesir casually walked around.

Each of his steps took him kilometers away from his previous position, a trail of bodies being left in his quake of both humans and beasts.

'Only one week before the academy opens…' he thought, an excited smile appearing on his face.

"Now, let's find this legacy. So according to the old man, it should be around here…"