Amusing World

In a simple wooden cabin, an old man calmly read through a thick book as an enchanting smile adorned his face.

Harsh yet soothing rain hit the cabin, creating a cozy and comforting aura to permeate around.


"Hm? Yes?" Asked the old man, a bit irritated that his reading time had been interrupted.

The door opened and a handsome young man with long blonde hair and golden eyes entered.

The man lightly bowed before he spoke.

"Sir, the Cursed Ones are requesting an urgent meeting." Calmly said the man.


The echoes of violent thunder could be heard as the rain intensified.

"Oh? What's going on?" Inquisitively asked the old man.

The young man's brow lifted for a second before a slight smile adorned his face.

'Master and his antics…'

"From what they say, one of our agents compromised multiple of their reality folds on top of destroying 12 Fiction Hubs of theirs."

"They want reparations."

"Or what?" Calmly said the old man, his voice terrifyingly empty.