
I quickly scanned the 15 other Eternals as a smirk couldn't help but appear on my face.

'They're str-'

Before I could even finish my thought, I found myself being hugged by a towering figure.

"BROTHER! AHAHAHA! I knew you would be here!"

"Glad to see you too, Umbra." I said as I returned the hug, happy to see him as well.

I had expected him to be here but I wasn't sure. We didn't really know each other apart from the fight we had but as martial fanatics, this told us all we needed about each other. I didn't mind him calling me brother.

"Hahaha! Good to have a fellow brother here! All the others are boring, well except for the cross guy and pink girl." He happily said as he finally let me out of his bear hug.

Looking at him, a smile formed on my face.

Umbra stood at an imposing 6ft9, his hair still short and orange as his face still held a childish gleam. The only difference was his previous golden eyes that had gained an aura akin to a burning star.