
My body covered in wounds, I stood half naked in front of a massive green humanoid creature, corpses of similar creatures spread all around us.

"I truly hate you, humans…to think my people would be decimated by a mere mortal…you will pay."

"I promise." Whispered the beast, its voice filled with anger and sorrow.

"Oh my god! So scary!" I sarcastically answered not intimidated in the least by such empty words.

"And also don't you dare categorize me as a human! That's an insult I will not take! Understood?" I severely commanded.

Frustrated and offended by my belittling and patronizing tone the beast lost all reason and shot at me, stepping over the corpses of its fallen brethren.


In an instant, I appeared behind him as I swiftly pierced my spear forth.

Skillfully dodging, he retaliated with a powerful spin kick, coated in some strange green beast Qi.