
In books, I read 'Love' is a deep and tender feeling of affection or attachment or devotion to a person. It further explained it as the act of caring and giving to someone else. Having someone's best interest and well-being as a priority in your life. 'To truly love is a very selfless act'

In all my life I have never experienced love or LOVED someone before, I was always hated but I cared for those who hate me even though they didn't want my affection, my feelings have been dipped into mud maybe times, and yet I still carry a fraction of my heart out in hopes it would be accepted, but the world was cruel to it.

I have fallen in love…. With the very man who purchased me months ago for the highest price for a reason unknown to me, and then he took care of me in his own way and I slowly began to have affection towards him… a man who had nothing to show but speaks mostly with his actions in the most unorthodox way possible.