It's Not Fair

I lay against the bed not having the single urge to close my eyes and sleep. Mindlessly playing with the silver ring on my finger. Why isn't he coming to bed? Is he that busy? It was already too late.

I sighed burying my face on the pillow. I should have said something when I had the chance but yet I kept my mouth shut. I really want to see him, I really want him to come to bed. Not seeing him for hours was too much for my brain to process.

A slight knock came from the door and I quickly sat up. William doesn't knock so that has to be Elvenia.


"No, my lady, it is I Severus"

"Severus?" I mumbled. That's strange. I quickly cleared my throat. "Come in"

The giant doors slide open and Severus walked in with a small smile on his lips, He stood just right at the door and bowed.

"Glad to see you're okay, My lady"

"Yes, I'm sorry I got you worried, it was not my intention"