CHAPTER 35 Do You Have an Answer for Me?

  Erickson's POV

  "Shouldn't we attack now that Lavista is vulnerable due to the disappearance of his mate?" Asks Alpha Martin. I glance over to my brother Jacob but he's in deep thought, his eyes wandering over our territory.

  "Not now,"

  "Why?" asks the bald Alpha, a smirk forms on my lips.

  "Well, because I have found out something even more interesting about a certain princess,"

  Two days ago, I visited a seer who saw a glimpse of the future. Even if I defeated Leondre in the battle, I still won't be king, the seer showed me that I can only be king once I mate and mark a princess of Crest pack. I inform the Martins what she told me and he snickers,

  "Impossible! That pack was wiped out a decade ago!"