CHAPTER 83 Drama Queen

  Anaiah's POV

  A scream erupted close and we froze, turning our attention to the door, the chef, Maggie has a horrified expression on her face, heaving and I almost chuckle at how melodramatic she is when it comes to the kitchen

  "What did you do to my precious kitchen?" She cries.

  "Well, technically it's my kitchen considering I'm the lady of the house but-"

  "Luna, please let me have this moment," She cuts me and we all burst out laughing. Her eyes glaze over and she mind links some cleaners, however, Clara and Mike walked in, shit, I forgot we had a breakfast date. I wanted to tell them about the news.

  "What is going on here?" She asks, wide mouth open as she takes in the mess in her sight.

  "Kids? What is this?" Asks Mike.

  "Well, Mummy, we made a mess," Innocently says Arya, Clara's eyes dart to me and she extends her arms and I smile, going to hug her.

  "No hug for me, mommy dearest?" Arya pouts like a kid. Her mom shakes her head negatively