CHAPTER 146 The Rules

  Caliana's POV

  I knew that they were domineering men, but seeing them like this, sitting looking like Greek gods and exuding their aura is different. My wolf and I whimper, but I force myself to stand tall. I'm an Alpha's daughter after all.

  "Hello, Caliana," a handsome man in his mid-twenties stood up. From the pictures on the internet, I recognized him as Jamal, the second brother and face of the company. He was the pack beta too. I tried to remember what was said about him in the article.

  'The golden angel of the west,' He looked like one, he had a friendly mask on but behind it, he was as dangerous as the rest.

  "Hello," I greeted him timidly. He held my hand gently and guided me to a seat next to Alpha Edward, who didn't even spare me a glance.