CHAPTER 156 Mine

  Caliana's POV

  The music was cut and everyone was looking at us now, the Alpha and I were at a higher stage. Jamal was with us. I turned to the people and raised my hand and put one over my chest.

  "I, Caliana Meyers, pledge my loyalty to the "Golden Stone Pack, I promise to be a good member and work for the better of it and be a just Luna to you all,"

  With that said, he got a dagger and cut his palm, I slowly bent down and drank his blood, there was something magical about it. A link opened to hundreds of wolves and they all felt it as I did.

  "You are an official member of the Golden Stone Pack, welcome Luna," Alpha Edward said, looking into my eyes.

  "Thank you,"

  The people cheered and howled in excitement. A few ladies who work at the manor escorted me back home and I was surprised that they led me to the Alpha's suite. The room was beautifully decorated with rose petals and candles.

  "Juanita, what's going on?" I stuttered.