CHAPTER 169 I Want to be With You Tonight!

  Caliana's POV

  I looked at the Alpha's hand around my waist and then his face, he gave me a tiny smile that warmed my heart. All my nervousness was gone and I continued.

  "Thank you, everyone, for coming and I hope you are enjoying yourselves," They raised their glasses in my direction. After concluding my short speech, I directed them to the dining room. Everything was set up beautifully and the food looked amazing too. Everyone took their seats and I was sitting at the other end, facing my mate.

  The dinner went on beautifully and the conversation flowed naturally until the two bimbos spoke. " Alpha, do you know that we are doing community service?" Started June, everyone looked at her and she smiled. I knew it wouldn't go as smoothly with these two around.

  "That's ... Nice,"he said.

  "Indeed, but why?" A lady asked and this time it was Candace who answers " It's an order from the Luna,"