CHAPTER 186 Make a List

  Caliana's POV

  The next day, I only saw the Alpha during dinner. I smiled to myself when I remembered last night.

  We were halfway through dinner when a servant announced that a captain from the border was here to see the Alpha and a tall intimidating man walked into the dining room. Love was taken away by the servants before the captain spoke.

  "Sir, there was a fight at the border with the Black Stone Pack," he reported.


  "Two of our warriors are badly injured and currently receiving treatment and three of theirs are dead, the others ran away,"

  "Who started the fight?" Asked the Alpha, furious.

  "It was the Black Stone Pack, they trespassed and while chasing them, more of them came out of nowhere and attacked our patrol men, we had to call reinforcement as they were outnumbering us,"

  "Damn fucking Henderson, he never learns!" Roared my mate.