CHAPTER 229 Friends of Yours

  Caliana's POV

  "Then why hasn't he officially rejected you, yet?"

  I have thought about that too. If he wanted me out of his life, he could have easily rejected me. A rejection is done face to face. He could have completely severed the bond and spared me the pain but it just showed how vicious he was by not doing that. He wanted to torment me still, he wanted me to feel pain every time he fucked her.

  "To plague me, maybe," I sighed.

  "But he has no reason to, you didn't hurt him at all,"

  "I don't understand Edward's way of thinking honestly and I don't even want to. I just want to forget him," I did but it wouldn't be this easy because of the pain I feel each time he is with another woman. I hated to think about it.

  "But what if there is a conspiracy to break you two apart?"