I followed her through the mob of sweaty bodies. We stopped after a minute of walking. "Cris!" Yvonne exclaimed hugging a guy.

  He had dirty blond hair, he wore a white tee shirt, blue jeans trousers and white converse on... And has tattoos and piercings practically all over his body... Except for his neck and face.

  I never knew she follows Gothic people.

  He was pretty good-looking. "Happy birthday!" She exclaimed again.

  "Thanks." He replied and nodded his head towards me. "She's Tessa, the girl I told you about."

  "Oh? I didn't expect her to be this pretty." Cris said. I saw Yvonne roll her eyes.

  Maybe it was just my imagination.

  "I'm Cris, it's a pleasure to meet you." He introduced himself. I nodded my head. No need to introduce myself, right? Yvonne already did.

  "Nice to meet you too."

  "Okay! Enough with the pleasantries! Let's party!" It wasn't Yvonne nor was it Cris, but a young lady who had so many tattoos on her.