I reached my office and it was nowhere near 2 pm. It seems like today was going slow, sighing in frustration, I threw myself on my chair and began tapping on my table.

  I hope Mr Kings won't call me for the rest of the day and thankfully, he didn't. It soon got to 2 pm. I flung off my chair, arranged the office, and got out of the building.

  Reaching my car, I drove off to Anne's school. She sat at a table painting a picture. I smiled as I walked toward her. She looked up at me with a huge grin on her face.

  "Mommy!" She screamed getting off where she sat. I stooped down to hug her. I released her after a few seconds. She took the drawing she drew and showed it to me.

  It was a drawing of a woman hugging a little girl. It wasn't that good, but it was really good for her age. On the drawing was 'Anne's heart mommy!!' Oh, my heart.