
  **** Tessa's POV ****

  After efforts of trying to push him away with no luck, I gave up. Tears gathered in my eyes. I just want to get this over with, so I could get money for Anne's surgery. Why does he have to be here?

  Why now? "Let go of me," I said for probably the 100th time now. He must have noticed the tears gliding out of my eyes as his eyes widened.

  "Are you crying?" He asked. If only looks could kill, this man would have been dead by now. How come people aren't saying anything about this, it's abuse!

  I peeped through his arm and noticed no one was looking at us, they were all busy grinding against someone next to them. "Just let go, please!" I cried. He quickly let go.

  I covered my face, and only then, I realised I was really crying. What the hell was I doing, I shouldn't be crying in front of him, he doesn't deserve to see my tears. "What happened?" He asked.