After about an hour, we'd already eaten. I tried to make excuse upon excuse to sleep with Anne tonight but he keeps rejecting it. "It's okay, she'd be just fine, I promise." He said.

  Frustrated, I said. "Why should I believe you? You starved her, I wouldn't be surprised if she's actually okay and yo-"

  "I'm sorry I did all that, I was just angry, you wouldn't give up.." He cut me off, apologizing. "But, I promise, I won't hurt you anymore." He said. He really doesn't actually care.

  But I was very close to wrapping this guy around my fingers, he was my only weapon at this time. I could use him against all my enemies and even against himself.

  He'd be good coverage. I also need information.

  "I'd stay with her till 2 am," I said.

  "Tessa," He said sternly. He suddenly looks angry. "You'd do as I say, do not make me punish you."


  He grabbed me by my hand and dragged me along with him. It seemed he was taking me to Anne's room.