April walked out of his room with a smile. "Leave him be. He's taken the medication. He'd be fine." Said April.

  Austin had driven out of the house. He remembered the last time he had spoken to Tessa.

  "I think that's what I meant," I said before I could stop myself but also couldn't stop myself from going on. "I know what you want, Austin. But doesn't love comes from both sides? I don't love you, I never did, and I never will. I appreciate what you've done for me and my child and if there's a way I could pay you back, I would.." Tessa had said.

  It brought so much pain to his heart. But he needed to get to Tessa. Now. He hoped she was okay. He hoped she'd receive him.

  He drove to her apartment. On reaching there he quickly got out of his car and walked to the front door. He rang the doorbell a couple of times, impatiently.

  The door opened a lady stood there with a child. She stared at him. "I need to see Tessa." He said.