As if the day was even against Freya, immediately she started cleaning the packhouse, Dante woke up. Every morning before every other person even nurture the idea of opening their eyes, Freya would scramble off her bed, which was nothing more than pieces of rags and worn-out sheets thrown out by the others. She would often go around to gather whatever they weren't using, tossed into the bin, and select the ones she could make use of.

  Before the others, Freya would rush to the packhouse to bathe. She dare not use the convenience made for the others, or she would get beaten and locked up. Freya was instructed to use the convenience made for the 'Tahilas.' Tahilas were people who committed one offense or the other and were awaiting their execution day. Those were who saw Freya as a person with flesh and blood like them. She befriended them and, before their execution, would spend so much time with them when she wasn't running around. Whenever she learned of their death, she would run deep into the woods and wail bitterly because she had lost a friend.

  After Freya's quick shower, she would wear one of her rags and begin the day's chores. From cleaning to cooking to running all manner of errands, you name it, Freya would attend to all of them until her body could hardly keep up.

  Dante Ian, the Alpha's only son and future Alpha of the Blood moon pack, had risen from his bed in all his glory. Dante wasn't an ugly boy for a boy his age. In fact, he had taken after all the beautiful physical features of his father. The previous night, his induction into the twenty-one years of age cycle was held. The big party left poor Freya cleaning everywhere. Since his wolf had revealed itself, some adjustments were made to his appearance. First, his hair was cut low. He also grew taller, now at 6'4ft. Trim build, not overly muscular. His golden curls which he often stretched to give it a sleek texture lashed over bright blue eyes. A straight nose and strong jaw. He was the lucky few whose wolf revealed itself immediately after he turned eighteen. A true son of his father like Alpha Hero would always brag.

  Dante had the physical features that every girl lusted after in the pack. But his character was terrible. Dante wasn't always an egocentric, annoying, power tasty and merciless boy. To impress his father, who didn't want to see any sign of weakness in the future Alpha, Dante became this way. Unfortunately, the one victim that suffered his abuse of power the most was Freya. He made sure that her childhood was filled with ugly memories of being bullied. He got worse over time. Losing all traces of love or the possession of a heart.

  Humming to the melodic tune that was the only thing she remembered from her childhood, Freya mopped the floor of the packhouse absentmindedly. Suddenly, she crashed her back into a hard figure which made her jolt forward, accidentally kicking the bucket she was using to clean.

  Whirling around, she saw who it was, "Dante," she bowed. "I am sorry. I didn't know you were there. Forgive my carelessly." She said, squeezing her eyes shut and praying so hard that Dante wasn't in the mood to serve punishments.

  Furious, Dante heaved a heavy sigh and rubbed his temple. "Get me breakfast," he ordered. Not looking twice at Freya, he stomped away.

  If only Freya could have shouted out of joy, she would. What happened to Dante? Did he wake up from the right side of the bed? Or, did something uplifting happen? It was so unlike him to let her off the hook so easily. Whatever might have been the reason for his 'kind pardon,' Freya was grateful to it.

  Now Freya was torn between three duties. Making breakfast, cleaning the packhouse and the Alpha mansion. Which was most important? If she didn't make the breakfast within the next minute, that might double the punishment for her, and she wouldn't be feeling so lucky anymore. Secondly, if she wasn't back to cleaning the Alpha house soon, Alpha Hero would shred her into pieces if his sight fell on any of the chores she hadn't completed there. Lastly, she needed to be in the packhouse before Ariel returned, or it would be an entirely different episode of taunting her and whining in Freya's ears all day long.

  Making her decision, she decided to fix breakfast, finish up with the packhouse and go back to cleaning the Alpha's mansion, in that order. 'Few weeks left, Freya. Just a few weeks left' kept ringing in her head.

  What even annoyed Freya the most was that when she initially arrived, the place used to have a delegation of responsibilities. Especially the Alpha's mansion. There were no maids. Everyone was equal. Until she came. The Alpha decided to make her the Alpha's house personal maid. Who was he kidding? She did not just become the Alpha's house personal maid, but the maid of anyone who cared to use her. Freya couldn't complain. Of course, who was she going to complain to?

  Taking a few refreshing breaths, Freya walked to the Alpha's mansion, straight to the kitchen to make breakfast. On the menu were pancakes, cheese, and fresh fruit juice. Easy-peasy. She should be in and out of there without anyone noticing and back to her chores.

  Tirelessly working in the kitchen, she was able to finish. Cleaning up immediately so that she would only have the dishes to wash. Although she made the breakfast, she was never allowed to eat it. Whatever she ate was the leftover of every other person's food. What they discarded after they might have had their fill.

  Staring at the different plates for breakfast on the table that she had set up, Freya counted the plates all over again, making sure that no one was left out. Making sure it was complete, there were still two pancakes left in the frying pan. Freya was so tempted to smuggle it out and, when she had her privacy, eat them.

  She was drooling over the two pieces. 'Don't do it, Freya,' her conscience pricked her. She knew that nurturing such thought was a bad idea. She would land in serious trouble.

  Staring at the pancakes once more, she moved to the kitchen's window and surveyed. No one was watching. She equally checked the door and no one was there. Heaving a huge sigh of relief, she carefully took out two napkins and wrapped the two pieces, hiding them in the pocket of her oversized gown. No one would suspect that such a thing was even there. Good.

  It was not even the missing pancakes that would have given her away, but her body language. She was trembling and looking pale like someone who just saw a ghost. She tried so much to caution herself and get her attitude under control. Before she could take her last successive breath, Dante strolled into the kitchen.

  Sighting him, she bowed. "Breakfast is ready," she mumbled and hurried to leave.

  "Where do you think you are going? Where is my coffee?"

  "Coffee?" She asked surprised. Ever since she worked in the house, Dante was caffeine intolerant, so he didn't take things like coffee and energy drinks. But she wouldn't even dream about questioning the change in order.

  Straight ahead, without wavering, she began fumbling with things to make the coffee, her hands shaking.

  "Stop!" Dante commanded. "What did you do?"

  She didn't respond. Instead, she stopped what she was doing and bowed her head.

  "Don't forget that I have turned. My wolf senses are stronger than my human senses. And I can hear your heartbeat hammering like crazy in your chest. You are guilty of something. Tell me now and I might spare you."

  Shit! She had forgotten about that. Dumb her. Dante could sense, hear, see and feel a hundred times better than any other wolf. He was the strongest. And it skipped her mind to put into consideration that there was no way she would have successfully gotten out of that place without being caught by Dante unless he wasn't around.

  "Did you just become deaf and dumb? Don't make me repeat myself."

  Freya's palms became sweaty, and an alone sweat trickled down by the side of her forehead. Should she tell him? Or, wait for him to discover it? Whichever way, her punishment wasn't going to be mild. The only thing she would plead so much for, was for Dante to take matters into his hands than to report to Alpha Hero, his father.