With nothing else in her mind except frustration, anger, hatred and bitterness, Freya drove the highest limit she has ever used in a car. She gripped the steering wheel a bit too tight that her knuckles turned white. She couldn't believe that the devil's son had to catch up with her after everything they did to her. She wasn't running away because she couldn't stand up to Dante. But because she might have murdered someone due to all the emotions she felt at the moment.

  "Cruel bastard!" She screamed into thin air while tears streamed down her beautiful face. 

  Talk about the world being unfair. Now, she was unable to get to her job because her emotions were all over the place. Secondly, her mind played tricks on her by vividly reminding her of all the negativity she tried so hard to fight off after the abuse she suffered at the hands of the Blood Moon Pack. If Dante had the audacity to show his face, it meant that trouble was lurking.

  Freya kept going until she came to a quiet beach. The beautiful sight of the sand, pebbles, rocks, and seashell fragments covering the beach in unison helped calm her but not for long though. 

  Swiftly, she got out of the car and landed on the floor. Crying profusely into her hands. It was so painful because of what she went through. How she was treated? The denial she suffered until the time for her liberation came. 

  Freya could still remember vividly the day she turned eighteen. It wasn't funny. After her carving, which was a ceremony where her index finger was pricked and the blood was used to leave a mark on the wall called 'Ghor.' A wall that tells the existence of each werewolf, either within or outside the packhouse. She was immediately told to run west, as fast as she could, into the human world. Before then, she knew nothing about humans. Never mixed with them or had knowledge about how to survive with them. Freya didn't even know what her next step was. All she knew was that she couldn't stop going or else, she would have been dead meat.

  It took six months of being in the streets, eating leftovers from the trash can and hiding from police and predator before she got minimal jobs. Gradually, she began to build herself and from there, she met Jake, who contributed greatly to her life's expansion. So far, she has had no cause to be worried or a trigger to remember what she left behind, until today. Now, she had every reason to worry.

  Freya thrashed, jumped and screamed into the thin air again, this time, louder than the first one. She had arrived at an ocean that glistened with the beautiful sun reflecting above it.

  "Why?" She asked, not directing the question to anyone in particular. 

  After throwing a fit, she sagged to the floor, crying her heart out.

  "I am over twenty, and you still don't want to reveal yourself!" She raged, this time around the anger was directed at her wolf.

  As the law of the Blood Moon Pack stated, "all slaves must earn their freedom once they turn eighteen. Casting them out into a world where they will find their true self." That was the only reason why Freya gained her freedom. If not, Alpha Hero, Dante, and the rest of the pack had no issues keeping her as a low life slave forever. The only reason why she wasn't killed was because she remembered nothing from her childhood. Talk about being unfortunate, Freya had seen a whole lot of it.

  "You think I need you? Well, no! I don't fucking need you. Just keep your stupid wolves away from me and my life. I like it here. There is no need for you to ruin things for me. No need!" She continued quarrelling with herself.

  By now, Freya was supposed to have discovered her wolf. For the omega pack, it was much easier for their wolves to reveal themselves, especially the Blue Moon Pack. She not seeing her wolf, was it a side effect of having amnesia? Or, . . . it couldn't be. There was no way the supposed Alpha and only survivor of the omega pack wouldn't be a wolf. Both her parents were. So, what was the problem?

  Crying her soul out for as long as she wanted,  wouldn't solve the problem. Hurting herself wouldn't either. She just wanted to have her wolf. Have a feel of the power that came with it. Have the capacity to fight back all those who hurt her. She wanted saving, redemption and someone's completion. But if she couldn't have it, she would lack up and move to a different city with her fiancée and started from the beginning once more. The last thing she needed was trouble and being haunted by her dark past. Her secrets were safe with her. She didn't need it out in the open.

  Freya, exhausted from all the crying and throwing a fit, stood from the sandy spot, dusted the sand off herself and began walking back to her car. Right now, she felt better. Clean mind, light heart and precision. She hadn't figured out what she was going to do, but, she knew where she wanted to be now.

  She kept wiping the droplets of tears streaming freely down her cheeks. Suddenly, a strong wave hit the ocean. A wave so strong that you wouldn't believe that it wouldn't escalate to a tornado. 

  Scared, Freya ran and hid inside the car, using it as a shield.

  The wave began to settle and it became windy. Although not as serious as the tornado was, it was still enough for one to notice that something was happening on that particular side of the ocean.

  Freya with trembling hands started her ignition, but, it kept quenching. "Not now, you stupid car," she rammed her hand into the steering wheel, making the horn come alive. "Oh, shit!" She jolted when the horn started blaring, almost sending her deaf. Successfully, she reached down and turned off the horn and kept struggling with the ignition.

  When she noticed that the entire impact had stopped, she slowly popped the hood open and got out of the car, going around to check what was wrong with it again. Maybe it was the same fault as earlier or worse than that.

  Reaching for the engine space, she stared at it absentmindedly, not knowing what to do. Freya might be good in so many things, having become independent at an early age, but fixing cars wasn't one of her potentials.

  "Fuck!" She yelled. Her day kept getting worse. Stranded on an ocean and environment she wasn't familiar with. Wrecked within, she closed the trunk and began strolling along the ocean, keeping a safe distance from the water. She bent down and removed her shoes, allowing her bare feet to feel the cool sand beneath them. Occasionally, she walked towards the ocean, allowing splashes of the water on her leg.

  Getting tired, she sat on a lone branch under the shed of a coconut tree. Freya had covered a reasonable distance, yet, she hadn't come in contact with any other individual. It was as if the area was abandoned and lonely. Only seagulls hovered atop the ocean, squawking, which kind of kept the place alive.

  "Freya Parrish!" A voice called out, startling Freya. She was as surprised as she was with Jake's proposal. Her heart drummed, rapidly, in her chest. 

  "What the fuck!" She jumped to her feet. Looking around, she saw no one. "I must be losing it!" She mumbled to herself.

  "Freya!" The voice called again, causing Freya to really whimper out of shock. This time, she was very sure she heard it. She heard the voice loud and clear. It wasn't her imagination playing tricks on her. Something was talking to her.

  "Who the fuck is out there? Who?" She asked, tightly clutching her shoes close to her chest.

  The place darkened a bit like it was about to rain and for Freya, it was mysterious. She couldn't understand what was going and because it scared the shit out of her, she wanted to take to her heels but decided not to. When would she stop being the scared little girl everyone presumed her to be? When would she ever have the balls to fight her battles? She had to give up running away at the sight of trouble. Today, she had made up her mind that from henceforth, she would always stay to solve her problems rather than leave.

  "Show yourself whatever you are!" Freya kept ranting to the invisible voice.

  From the darkened clouds appeared a full moon and the voice spoke again, "Freya, it is I, goodness Cora!" The voice was like a clap of rumbling thunder. More like the voice of ten thousand men.

  Despite the fact that Freya didn't really know much about her people, she was able to hear about the story of the powerful moon goddess, goddess Cora. She was the one who chose mates for wolves of all packs, granted wishes, enabled fertility and punished sins. Although some believed that it was just a mere myth and hasn't been proven from inception. Others argue that they had encountered her at one point or the other. They said that she took different forms. The form of a little girl, a white wolf, a cloud, and the form of a full moon.

  Immediately, Freya bowed her head, hoping not to look at such purity, which was enough to make a sinner run mad. So she heard.

  "Your discomfort has been felt. Your tears, seen. You did nothing wrong. But, you must fulfil what has been predestined. To get your wolf to reveal herself, you must bond with your chosen mate. You have been destined to mate with the Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack. Secondly, you must conceive the child of the Alpha and birth the cub so that the omega lineage would not go into extinction. Do this, for your destiny has been predetermined." The voice vanished, and the sky cleared back to the fading evening sun rays.

  Freya was so perplexed that she stayed in the bowing position for longer than she was supposed to. Everything was too much for her to process. If not that she held herself back, Freya was so pushed to ask the goddess if she was serious or just playing a trick on her? For Freya, this particular turned out to be the worst for her. 

  "How can my destiny be predetermined? How can even the Heavens do this to me? How can I be punished in this manner? Because this is punishment and not a blessing." 

  Finally standing, she began staggering to wherever her legs could carry her to. She was temporarily unavailable. Her mind, brain, and emotions were unsettled. She couldn't think, function, or even decide her next step. For now, she walked.