His eyes stared back at him. He curled his lips back and snarled at himself. White fangs flashed in the metal

  He was a wolf, a 130-pound wolf with pale blond fur or, safe to say, white fur because they were the pure breed. The only part of him that remained were his eyes, sparking with a cold intelligence and a simmering ferocity that could never be mistaken for anything but human. But now, they were that of an advanced human because they were sharper and could see through anything.

  He looked around, inhaling the scents of the city again. He was nervous there. Feeling threatened and exposed. It was too close to where anyone could see a lost animal and raise an alarm because it reeked of humans. He must be careful to find out whatever triggered his wolf apart from his healing process. If he was seen, he would be mistaken for a dog, a large mixed breed. A dog that size wouldn't be seen as cute at all. It was a threat.