After what felt like forever, the cab finally came to a stop.

  "We are here," the cabbie announced.

  Dante peered around the surrounding from the window. It was remote and kind of away from the city. "Where?"

  "You said the nearest resting place," he said with a big smile plastered on his face.

  Dante's anger spiked immediately. Things like this made him lose absolute control. "Don't tempt me. I am pretty confident that I made my statement clear. I need a hotel, not this remote environment. Is this a joke or what?"

  Frowning, "not to me. Please step down and pay up the can fare. I have to continue my daily business."

  Dante had already lost all the will of arguing further. With so much frustration, he got down from the cab and paid the cabman.

  "Have a nice day," the cabman greeted, earning a dreadful glare from Dante.