Freya saw that she couldn't subdue her outburst.

  "Marley, you're making a pretty serious accusation here, so unless you're going to back it up with facts, I would kindly ask you to never speak to me again in a non-professional capacity." she crossed her arms across her chest.

  The Moon Goddess must be playing a critical joke on her. Everything was working against her. The Moon Goddess had decided to rain calamities on her today. She just knew the day needed to end before she stabbed someone with her frustrated pen.

  "I've got my eye on you." Marley pointed at his eyes with two fingers and poked her arm. Again. She did the only thing she could without actually putting the available pen to use. Freya bumped her fists against each other twice, giving her the finger Friends-style.

  "Did you just...?" Zara pushed off her desk, her chair wheeling backwards. She held her pen like a cigarette in her mouth.