Freya jerked back, gaping and scowling. "What the hell are you doing?"

  "Why would you cover it with a shirt?"


  "Your mark. A female wears her male's mark with pride, you're covering yours. Don't tell me that you are not pleased with it? Women would bow at my feet to have me mark them."

  Totally thrown by the sudden turn about in the conversation, Freya was pretty much speechless.

  "Freya," he drawled menacingly before demanding, "Answer my question."

  His bullying tone had her straightening in her seat. "Look, over-entitled boy, I don't know what your problem is – though I'd held myself up until this moment, don't think that pushing further won't get you a punch. To add to it, I will give you a broken nose and rib for doing such without telling me. Go take care of your problems yourself. Stop trying to make me a part of it."