Ayala, her face purple, slapped her hand down hard on the table. "That's it. Out. I want you out. Now."

  When Freya just stared at her, Ayala growled out, "I. Want. You. Out."

  Freya held up her index finger. "Just give me a second. Attempting to give a fuck...Attempting harder to give a fuck...Sorry, there was an error. Fuck not given."

  Both women looked up as Dante and Theo walked in and skidded to a halt.

  Freya found her mouth curving at their nervous looks. Obviously, they had guessed Ayala would be like this. Freya's wolf settled a little as she picked up her mate's scent. "Aww, Dante, you didn't tell me your grandmother was such a kind, delightful soul. Just like the great of your pack."

  Dante was surprised by Freya's smile. Clearly, she was holding up just fine against Ayala.

  "You really want this harlot as a mate?"

  "Watch it, Ayala," Dante cautioned in a low voice.

  "I don't have to be polite to her. She's nothing but a whore!"