“That’s no way to treat our guest. Remove her chain,” Ares ordered as soon as Freya got in.

  The guard did as he was told. When her hands were free, she rubbed her wrist and groaned in pain. The guard bowed and left.

  “Don’t just stand there. Help yourself,” Ares ordered Freya.

  She didn’t have to be asked twice as she grabbed a cup of water, downing it with greed before moving to dish a plate of everything on the table. Forgetting her manners, Freya ate hungrily, filling the yearning with emptiness in her body.

  Ares chuckled and watched her in amusement. “Go ahead, have some more. You’ll need all your strength for what’s to come.”

  When Freya could eat no more, she collapsed on her chair, patting her belly. “Can we now get to the reason you summoned me?” she began. “I know it’s not to feed and take care of Dante’s property. You couldn't care less.”