You are mine
It was a bright new morning for Alpha Coast and Fred as they challenged each other to a sword fight.
In the sport’s room, Alpha Coast held a sword in his hand while Fred stretched his body ready for the fight.
“Are you ready to lose” Fred winked at him.
“I never lose” Coast boasted and the fight began,
Fred took the first leap in the air to strike him but Coast blocked it with his sword pushing it back to Fred,
Fred bent down attacking his feet but he jumped and stepped on the sword with his at Fred’s throat.
“First strike” Coast said claiming his first victory.
The second round began and Coast stood watching his cousin run to him while he accessed his every move, he could pinpoint that he was going to attack from his right, he knocked the sword out of Fred’s hand and held him by the neck with his sword close to his throat again.
“Two strikes” He said and pushed him away.