The dream
After seeing Lucian the previous day, Cabello wasn’t happy about it.
He picked up a silver knife and leaves to Denise’s room while she was sleeping, it was better to kill her than let her turn into something he could not accept.
He moved closer to her when she opened her eyes sensing his presence,
“Uncle, what are you doing?” She asked as he hid the knife behind him before she could see it.
“It’s all gonna be okay” he said.
“What do you mean?” She asked confused as he moved closer to her.
“The last words your mother told me before she died was to protect you and not let you turn into one of those things but things have gotten out of hand and you have turned into one of them” he said.
Denise couldn’t understand what was going on in his mind as she just stared at him puzzled.
“I have to keep the promise I made to my sister, I cannot let her daughter run wild” he said.