
  Bella woke up the next morning and decided to exercise a bit,

  “What do you think you are doing?” Diamond her wolf asked noticing she was doing some squats,

  “To get my glutes out and have that hour glass shape?” She answered.

  “What for?” Diamond asked again not believing the audacity of her host.

  “To look seductive to Coast” she replied smiling about it.

  “There is no need for that, you have an hour glass body, have you seen your shape?” Diamond reminded her that her shape was perfectly okay and she didn’t need to do all that.

  “I may have it but I also need to maintain it” Bella answered still doing some squats.

  “What the hell, it is in your genes. When was the last time you exercised to maintain your shape” Diamond asked her again and she stopped to think about it.

  She couldn’t even remember the last time she did an exercise and she never missed her meals unless she was sick yet she was still perfectly in shape.