Azule watched as the attractive woman danced around her opponent, his eyes wishing he was older. She put up a good fight in Azule's eyes, at least he thought so. Piloting is different from actual hand to hand combat so he had nothing to compare it to. Alas, the woman lost but not before getting a good hit in on the instructor. The instructor was average at a height, lean, toned, tanned skin, dirty blonde hair with black eyes with lingered precision. He was wearing the same attire as everyone else: a black tank top, gray loose pants and barefoot on the mats. Deciding that he's seen enough, he opted for the door. As his steps accumulated, an outstretched pale arm struck out before him, hitting the wall to his left with open palms. A slender shadow towers over him as his nose catches a pleasant scent. Shooketh, Azule jumped a little, turning towards the woman. He looked up only to see clear brown eyes gazing over him, sweat trickling down her skin.
"So, what's a stranger like you doing in a place like this?" The woman asked.
Azule contemplated an answer, taking peaks at the woman's body here and there, "I got one better, what's a place like this doing with a girl like you?"
"What?" The girl asked, eyes narrowed.
"Pfft, never mind. I was just exploring the base that's all and stumbled my way here." Azule answered truthfully.
Mako retracted her arm from the wall and took a few steps back. She then scrutinized Azule, contemplating something in mind.
"How are you a pilot? Better yet, how old are you?"
"I just am and I'm 13 years old," Azule answered, fidgeting innocently.
"Lucky you," Mako said absentmindedly.
"Well um good luck on training, I guess?" With his last farewells, he dipped out of the room to go nowhere.
Mako sat there, looking as if she's planning something.
Now back at his room, Azule layed down on his bed with arms above his forehead. Before suddenly,
"Dammit man! That was sooo uncool!"
Azule screamed into his pillow like a little girl being embarrassed by her first crush. Within his mind one word was the root cause for all of this: Mako. He didn't really care a whole lot about characters in fiction when he was back on Earth. Whenever one of his friends were squealing about one of their favorite characters, he would unconsciously question their sanity. That doesn't mean he didn't like certain characters or hated other characters, he wasn't invested enough. Because they were in the genre of 'Fiction' that he never gave them much thought. Though between you and me, the narrator… Azule would always perv out on most female characters; Mako being… well, you know.
"Come on man, leering at her like that? What the hell is with me? I was never like that, right?"
"I don't remember her being feisty either, is that because this is all real now and not fiction?"
Azule twisted and turned in bed as he questioned himself. Ultimately falling asleep. He explored and relaxed in leisure for the next two days, though the Marshal once in a while pestered Raven for the whereabouts of his AC. Within those two days, he gained two new abilities: [Mechanized Size Manipulation] and [Titanfall Pilot Training Expertise]. As an explanation, the [Mechanized Size Manipulation] skill allows him to alter the size of his mech and only his mech while the [Titanfall Pilot Training Expertise] gives him the combat ability of that of a Titanfall pilot, too bad he doesn't have the kit to fully use that trait. Aside from the System gifts, his AC is fully functional now and is ready to be deployed for the next sortie.
Within those two days, he also made a friend out of Mako. Well more like a punching bag- training buddy. The first day, he ended up bruised and broken as he ached all over. Mako ended up getting payback for unwrapping her with his eyes. Not that it really mattered to her, but she thought she'd teach him a lesson just for fun. The second day didn't bode well for Mako though. Out of nowhere, Azule was dodging and dipping, even fainting his attacks. She won in the end, but not without an actual fight. If Azule was older, she'd be pinned to the ground and yelling for uncle.
Aside from that, he also met with Tendo and the brothers once in a while. Their conversations always lead to mechs and the likes. Though, like every other personal in the facility, distance was kept. Not really afraid considering Azule hadn't done anything worth the malice, but still being vigilant nonetheless.
Azule was currently sitting at the edge of the landing pad for helos, gazing on to the outward sea as a yellow hew entered the horizon. It was still cold considering he was in Alaska but due to his suit, heat was regulated, therefore never feeling cold. His suit did pretty much all the things for him to survive in harsh environments, he practically lived in it. As he watches the rising sun, a multitude of footsteps marches towards him, making him turn back to investigate the owners of the sounds. There the Marshal strides towards him with Mako to his left and the brothers to his right. Unhurried, Aule stood up and met their gazes, waiting for their intentions.
"Raven," the Marshal began, "I got… news," the Marshal locked eyes with Raven, but a look of uncertainty contrasted his usual demeanor. This didn't go unnoticed as Azule readies himself, positioning himself casually at the edge of the landing pad. Glancing at the brothers and Mako, he further evaluated the situation as potentially dangerous as they barely held themselves; the brothers were finicky while Mako didn't look as resolute.
The Marshal took note of Raven's actions and just sighs in defeat.
"You're going to have to come with me Raven," the Marshal finishes.
"So the higher ups…" Azule said, leaving the rest up to their interpretation.
"Yeah, they want you in and contained for study. Originally, we were going to watch you and evaluate you by the months or even a year. But, they couldn't stop raving about your… AC. Not only that, your DNA and your sudden combat prowess spiked," he pauses, letting the information sink in, "They're -ancy, Raven. The Kaijus are getting stronger, we're barely holding it together. They see you as the solution."
"I see, and if I refuse?"
The Marshal just looks down and away from Raven. For the last two days, he has watched and formed his own opinion. If he could describe him in one word, it would be earnesty. Azule walked around and experienced life in the facility. He avoided trouble and even offered help despite no return for it, it's as if he expected it. Mako was always strong headed in this life and had little to no friends; acquaintances at the very most. She only had himself and her drive for vengeance to keep her company. What hurts more is not threatening the earnest Raven, it's breaking the friendship Mako had forged just as it bloomed.
"We have orders to use force if necessary, even lethal," Raleigh relayed everyone's response to the question, being the only one strong enough to say it.
As expected, Azule knew the consequences or at least guessed it. But he didn't give the typical response of "How could you?" Frankly, what irks him about this situation is how they're being so dramatic about it. He was only here for four days, counting today and the day of the battle. It bewildered him on how that was enough time for them to get attached for the lack of a better word. He could understand if it was a month or two, but four days? A lot can happen in the given time but this was questionable at the least.
'Am I in some fast paced novel or something?' Azule thought.
'Well considering the options, going with them is just stupid and airing out this entire area is a waste plus I kinda like it here.'
'Let's play with their heartstrings a bit.'
"You have nowhere to go Raven," Yancy stated the 'obvious', "If even you don't know where your AC is, you could just come to us and we'll do everything in our power to make sure you're not harmed."
Yancy drew out the word 'AC' as if hinting towards something.
'Don't worry pal, my AC is locked and loaded.'
Silence filled the air more so than the vast sea in the distance. The four waited for Azule's response, one being wanting it more than the others.
A smile is plastered on Azule's face. It didn't have the look of betrayal or frustration. Instead his look of amusement baffled the four of them. Until…
"SAFE HUNTING JAGERMEISTERS!" Azule shouted loudly, wishing them luck as he plunged down to the deepest depths.
"WAIT!" all of them shouted in unison.
The four rushed to the edge where concrete meets water. All but Marshal and Yancy fell on their knees as they peered over the edge to find… nothing. No splash aside from the water crashing at the ankles of the wall or a floating body. They stayed there, confused again as they contemplated what happened or what to do next, all but one. Yancy had a noticeable smile that went unnoticed by the rest. It seemed he knew something was up. To his credit, he was right.
A large bulge began to form on the water's surface. Metallic black and blood red in color, the recently disappeared mech could be seen under the transparent sea. Its thrusters created disturbances as they reached full burst. Like a sudden storm, the mech ascended up like a metallic angel, only stopping until eye level with the four. The sudden movement surprised the others as they fell on their asses, jaws dropped out of shock and eyes bulged out of bewilderment. They gawked at the machine before them, staring at the crimson swirl visible inside the head.
Through Mako's eyes, the machine looked bulky and dexterous at the same time. Sporting two shoulder cannons of sorts with no weapon on both of its hands, it looked different compared to the data the base had accumulated. It's as if it evolved somehow.
"Unfortunately, I can't come with you guys," Azule stated, "I got experience to gai-."
As Azule was about to finish his sentence, he was unkindly interrupted by a barreling blue energy heading his way at an appalling speed. Sadly for the shooter, Azule quickly dashed away towards the ocean as his Rail Cannon hummed in blue energy, radiating greater good malice.
"WHO THE HELL SHOT!?" Mako yelled loudly.
The four were just as surprised as Raven was with Stacker quickly getting information on the assailant through coms. Raleigh looked at a distance at where the shot came from. From a distance, a large black, metallic silhouette moving their way. Upon closer inspection, it looked to be a slimmer Gipsy Danger.
"What the hell is that?" Raleigh questioned the Marshal, prompting him to look towards the unknown Jaeger.
"I… don't know," the Marshal replied.
As everyone from the four to the entire facility became even more baffled by the series of events, the entire facility trembled under the weight of a new contender. The heavyweight in question was RealSteel standing at a Jaeger's height now knee-deep into the ocean waters. With its Rail Cannon revved and ready, Azule lets it rip as it releases a pop resembling the pressure of that of a large stereo playing bass boosted music. Within a blink of an eye, the unidentified Jaeger went up in smoke as a large semi-circle imprinted itself on the Jaeger's chest, leaving its head detached and disintegrated to atoms as its upper body was left with nothing. It fell to its knees, being forever swallowed by the ocean floor.
Azule controlled the AC, now having the grace of a Jaeger, towards the base and waved as a portal swallowed it whole.
Everyone froze as the world turned gray. Bits and pieces of organisms and inanimate objects detached themselves from their origin. Slowly, the world turned cold and then… nothing; swallowed whole as the world disappeared from space and time, as if never existing in the first place.
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World Jumper: Jump Worlds with just an intention to do so. User can jump worlds as he pleases, with the only consequence being the world left behind will forever be destroyed.