Where is the damned reinforcements?!?

After the battle thousands of bodies layed across the field with the bodies teared open from the amount bullets it had been delievered with with even the brain matter and limbs out of it's owners body or still hanging by just a sliver of flesh remaining that which so it had gave the terrifying look of what the savages could do..

John Rineman even saw this with the horror of his face seeing the things that plagued the human mind could cause one human to inflict cannibalistic thoughts and the savagery of the mind to another human.

At this moment John Rineman ordered the men "Unfix bayonets, take off gas masks, and rest up you all deserve it.." When he said this the men followed his instructions. After that he walked to the communications office with him being delievered a message stating "Congratulations LT. John Rineman you have been promoted to the rank of Colonel you are now given orders to hold Ornes as we will be sending you a force of 3 infantry companies and 2 artillery batteries as well 3 flamethrower squads to hold out and wait for the whole German force."

When he read the note he nodded as he now went to his room where he changed into a colonel uniform provided. When finishing changing he moved out before ordering his men saying "MEN WE HAVE BEEN GIVEN ORDERS TO HOLD THIS POSITION SO I WANT TOU TO FIGHT LIKE HELL." When those orders were given they started to clean their rifles, sharpened bayonets, count how much ammo, and other duties.

Though John Rineman before hand had told a squad to gather and get what weapons were avaliable to scavenge from the original trenches which so they found 2 10 cm K14 field artillery guns which so they pulled back to the town of Ornes where the forces held and already prepared.

The artillery peices were placed as men would be assigned with crates of shells opened and ready to load as well with a spotterd being deployed on trees giving coordinates which so they stood on at the ready.

When John Rineman heard the news he walked down to a rubber stating "Tell the artillery battery to open fire on those savages.."

When the order was delieverd men started to scream coordinates where with then artillery firing a hail of shells making the dark sky be flooded with tracers of the shells and the shines if it making a great explosion and light of the field as well the trenches causing the screeches and howls of the savages.

Finally when the artillery halted on firing only three groans and screams of pain could be heard and the limbs and corpses being hidden by only the dark light and the shrapnel in it.

Yet.. The War Continues On.