65 Problems…

[OP: ]

"Nes arrived a month late, the atmosphere of the capital is still normal which means the 'sudden dungeon break' accident didn't happen, which means the great forest of MaHona didn't get saturated with Mana.

And there could only be one reason for that."

He was calm, but as soon as El heard his words, her eyes widened with a little surprise.

"[Krimxendor] arrived there already."

Few things could surprise her, and most of them were related to Lucy or others of their family, but, this little piece of speculated information wasn't one of them. Which made it even more shocking.

"Yes. Which means 'they' have already settled in the eastern highlands."

Lucy had a spark of anger in his ever-calm eyes, but, more than that, he had worry deep in his heart.