113 Sir Fang

[Eva's POV: ]


Retracting Luel and taking a deep breath after finishing my demonstration, I stood there with closed eyes for a moment, felt the gentle breeze of the fine sunny garden, and released it after a while.

"It was tough."

I gave my all in this demonstration and even pushed myself a little since this was going to be one of the important factors that would decide if we passed or not.

Lu and El were doing their best out there, so I had to do whatever I could as well.

And this was just the first part of our test. There were two parts of the first test remaining and after that, there was the summoning process as well which I was looking forward to.

I don't know what familiar I will get but I have to have a familiar. I must have one. Or else… 

'But I shouldn't worry. El said I will get one easily like everyone else so I don't have to worry about that.'