128 Eisheth’s prison (Part-3)

[El's POV: ]

Eisheth, that bitch was devastated after not getting the taste of someone's love for so long that she went mad, and obtained the power to materialize what did not exist, the power of creation that few possesses in these worlds of the Worldline. 

'But the power that she obtained was a cheap, impure version of the real thing. It was shitty and disgusting.'

However she certainly had the power to birth the things of her own dreams, though with many terms and conditions applied. 

She could have used that power to try harder and get out of this place and go back in the world and have as much fun as she wanted with as many 'real' things as she wanted, but, nope. The bitch chose to live in this place eternally, made it her territory, and created creatures that could relieve her unbearable desires.