159 Artifact of past

[El's POV: ]

"Anyway Cary, what exactly is this thing? It looks simple but I can't even use my eyes on it so it certainly is nothing like your average Artifact or anything. What exactly is this glass slab?"

{ "Hahaha. So you do not know after all, huh? Seems like this thing is more precious than I thought it was." }

She laughed while she continued smiling at him warmly and Lucy shook his head with a sad expression before looking at his cute bird who had also brought back something that looked normal but was certainly no normal teapot. 

These were both things that they had come across when they were in this storage room in the past however, since these things seemed of no particular value other than being a little old, they had mostly always just disregarded them.

But, it didn't mean they had neglected these items. Certainly not.