247 Three cards

[Lucy's POV: ]

Since there were supposed to be nine people attempting the 'wishing' at the same time, El dragged nine people she thought would be the best or had the highest chances of getting something very good, and so, the nine of us were now standing before Kaspin.

"Wow… those nine are doing it together?"

"What will come out this time? What do you think? Something good? Something amazing? Or will some of them end up with some kind of deadly curse?"

"What would happen this time? I wonder if a high-grade artifact will pop up."

"I understand why everyone is excited to see the others. But, who is that person? Why is everyone excited about him as well?"

"Oh? You don't know the 'Lucky Boy'?"


Our group had Ras, Rex, Cathy, Nes, Leon, Lily, and one person aside from the two of us who was perhaps currently the luckiest being on this planet.