264 Island beyond the storm

[El's POV: ]

{ "Captain Teeya! Do you see the three blue spots in 2.10 west!" }


< "Y-yes Miss Auriel! We have to there?!" >

{ "Yes~! Just get close to that point and after we jump off, you can return to the Lithium Archipelago we passed by a while back. 

We will be there after a week so don't worry about us~!" }

< "B-b-but Miss-" >

{ "Just do as I say Teeya~!" }

There was nothing dangerous in this.

I mean, it's gonna be only a fun thing to jump down in a deadly zone like this one, right~?


The cool boys agreed with me as well. They were excited about this as well. Especially since they believed in me and the fact that whatever happens, they aren't going to die in this deadly place.

The cute girlies on the other hand were uncertain about all of this.