
I wordlessly looked at the other 7 Einherjar class battleships floating quietly in their recently completed alpha centaury star fortress berths which was armed to the teeth through Einherjars armored glass window as I continued to smoke my cigarette until I felt a burning sting on my lips.

As I did I took out the cigarette bud and incinerated it with lightning.

Just as I was ready to ignite another cigarette I saw the sweat-covered Lilith who had a fresh c-section scar on her ripped stomach walk out from the corner of the corridor.

As she did we locked our eyes and just stood there wordlessly looking at each other until I mustered up the courage to speak up.

"Lilith our daughter... I..."

I started saying only to choke on my words because although I knew what I wanted to say the words were stuck in my throat.

"Dont! Just don't Drac!"

Lilith said as she walked passed me, entered her room, and closed her doors shut.


I snapped as I punched the window with full force in a fit of rage causing small cracks to appear.

Of course, I knew that the butchers yes that's what I and my comrade in arms used to call them in my original timeline had to put my daughter in a tank all I wanted was to ask what kind of name Lilith picked for our daughter.

But my conscience that I thought had been lost a long time ago reared its ugly head at the worst possible moment causing me to freeze on the spot as if I was a f*cking teenager confessing to my crush.

I thought only for the timer In my HUD view to reach critical timing.

Just like last time the home defense fleet left Alpha Centaury before us and there were only 3 hours left before they should exist hyperspace and arrive at the Procyon system.

As it did I dialed up Aurora while walking to the bridge.

"XO increase combat readiness level to DEFCON 2"

"Yes sir!"

Aurora who returned to her iceberg queen state after our last spat answered in a professional manner with that ice-cold tone of hers.

Sigh* I can only blame myself...

I thought with a bitter smile on my face.


"Attention all crew this is your XO speaking, we are in DEFCON 2! This is not a drill! I repeat! Aten..."

The announcement blared from the loudspeakers installed all over the ship as red lighting illuminated the ship causing the men and women onboard Einherjar to stop what they were doing and start reporting to the announcement in a disciplined and professional manner.

Pilots put on their skin-tight black flight suits that looked like muscles without skin with their fully-enclosed helmets in their hands and ran to their hangars where the service crews were already doing final refueling and rearming of their strike crafts and mechs.

Officers ran to their posts like their life depended on it.

While Marines were putting their power armor on with the help of mechanical arms, engineers, and technicians.

Once they were done they grabbed their assigned weapons and ran to their gunships whose pilots were already booting their engines.

The same could be seen happening in the other 7 battleships.


"Status report!"

I barked as I entered the bridge whose security doors locked themselves down preventing anyone without high enough clearance from entering the bridge until the readiness level was lowered down.

I Sat down in my crash seat, and put on my fully enclosed helmet connected to the oxygen tank on my back allowing the ship's AI to depressurize the bridge.

"All departments reporting green!"

Aurora answered after checking her holographic table.

Hearing this I checked the countdown which showed that we still had more than two hours left.

"Tell the fleet to assume arrowhead formation and start spooling their jump drives!"

"Yes sir!"


Krunken was one of the lucky ones who after getting conscripted was posted to Procyon star base, unlike other ones who ended up as canon fodder in the form of marines and strike craft pilots.

Today was another usual day for him as he tiredly stared at the starbase's holographic radar.

"Krunken go take a shut-eye, you're gonna fall asleep at this point"

Argen Krunkens battle buddy who was also a commoner like him said after seeing that Krunken was dozing off.


Just as Krunken raised his ass from his chair the alarm sirens started blaring in their senors room.

As it did Krunken focused his gaze on his radar and he became horrified from what he saw.


Out of nowhere at the edge of Procyon systems gravity well out of nowhere 33 black human warships of different classes together with 72 transport spaceships blinked into existence all at once.

"Detected a squadron of Briian frigates inside the starbases and locked on!"

PUNIC's Sensors officer cried out while staring at his holographic table.

"All ships fire all our space torpedoes, launch our fighters and bombers and start firing our railguns!"

Ares roared into the fleet-wide intercom as he pulled up the 3D holographic situations model out from his table which showed the status of his fleet and briann forces.

On all of the Human spaceships almost all at once all of their torpedoes launch pods opened up and from them, hundreds of torpedoes armed with cold fusion warheads flew out and after adjusting their trajectories flew straight to their designated targets.

While different caliber railguns that had an unlimited range unlike laser canons whose laser beams would disintegrate started spewing out solid warheads made from plasteel alloy one after another.


Unrad the commander of Briann garrison squadron who was a baron the lowest level noble In the empire and at the same time the sixth son who had no hopes of inheriting his father's fiefdom finally arrived at his frigates bridge just as he was about to bark out his first orders.

From the corner of his view, he saw the starbases whose blue shields kept materializing upon getting hit by solid warheads flak canons start madly spewing out their payloads at the incoming space torpedoes that started evasive maneuvers.

A few torpedoes got hit making them explode into white mini-suns that made him lose his footing as his frigate trembled from the sheer kinetic power they had.

F*ck I shouldn't have been slacking off like that!

Unrad cursed in his mind because unlike the military protocol required instead of patrolling as he should have, he was busy enjoying the flesh of his sex slaves.

Just as he managed to grab he managed to sit down into his seat a lone torpedo managed to slip past the starbase's flak canons fire net.

And before he could cry out it exploded after hitting his frigate, a white mini sun completely enveloped his ship and everyone on it leaving nothing but atoms.


What the f*ck? This... this is too easy!

The dumbfounded Ares at their success couldn't help but think as he listened to his officer's reports while looking at his holographic table showing the current situation.

Not only did they seem to have caught the Briaans off guard but their cold fusion armed warheads that could pass through the Briaans shields thanks to their inbuilt energy disruptors had already almost vaporised the starbase and the garrison squadron into atoms.

All that was left was to clean up any remnants and enter the hyperspace line leading to endirlang system.

"Sir the Ragnarok jas completed its subspace jump to Eindirlang system and are currently engaging one of the royal guard's fleets"

Ares XO reported quietly after receiving the transmission from Einherjar.

Hearing this Ares nodded wordlessly but no matter how he thought about it for some reason he had a foreboding feeling that something is going to go very wrong and he won't like it one bit.


Can Nil was going through the reports from the frontline in his study room only for his prime minister to slam his doors open and before he could lash out at him for his breach of etiquette the prime minister's word that left his mouth made him freeze on the spot.

"The humans... the humans attacked!"

The prime minister barely managed to speak out because of how short-breathed he currently was.

Only for the minister of war to run over the next moment.

"A human fleet made out entirely of battleships!"

The panicked minister of war said.


The emperor barked causing the minister of war to break out from his shock.

"H... here"

The minister of war muttered as he did the sirens that didn't sound for thousands of years blared out through the entire planet.