
With the immediate threat dealt with, I carried my unconscious daughter back to the dropship, my mind a swirl of conflicting emotions and thoughts, Hana with Ares who was being pushed by one of my death Angels followed closely while my marines started scouring through the battlefield grabbing anyone who was still alive for interrogation.

Inside the dropship, I carefully laid her down on a medical bed, as I removed her damaged beyond-repair power armor I couldn't help but sigh at how she looked so much like Aurora, yet the anger and confusion from her attack were still fresh in my mind, I needed answers, and I needed to understand the truth behind her actions.

After scanning her body the dropship's self-aware AI spoke up as she materialized into a human female with cat ears dressed in a black uniform.

"Leader this female bears a 99,9 percent genetic match to your old body DNR, also her nanites are simply trash would you like me to inject her with our standard ones?"

The self-aware AI which like countless others was responsible for operating the dropships confirmed Genesis's verdict.

I nodded making a mechanical arm extend from the dropship's ceiling and inject her neck with military-grade nanites.

While I turned to Hana with the intent to get to the bottom of this.


I said firmly.

Hana nodded, her expression heavy with sorrow and worry.

"Her name is Aisha. She was born after you... died."

My heart sank at her words. I had missed so much during my absence, and the guilt weighed heavily on me.

"I don't know exactly what happened but a few years after your death Aisha got kidnapped, I thought that it was the ones responsible for your execution but I'm not so sure about that anymore"

Hearing this I nodded because according to Morgans and his crony's memories Aishas real identity managed to slip past their eyes since they were focused on getting to the bottom of the matter of Lilith's daughter.

As I once again went through the Morgans and his crony's memories inside my mind to make sure that I didn't miss anything.

Aisha whose injuries had been healed in seconds by the newly injected nanites that devoured the old ones that were simply trash compared to them, opened her eyes.

As soon as she laid her eyes on me she grabbed a sharp piece from her armors fragments and thrust it straight to my neck only to get slapped ruthlessly by me.

I used a lot more strength than I punched her earlier making a few teeth fly out as her jawbone got dislocated with micro fractures appearing on her cheek and a big red handprint with ruptured skin.

Aisha immediately blacked out once again as her nanites repaired the damage in seconds.


I asked the stuppified Hana who had her mouth wide open because of my actions.

"S... shes your daughter"


I asked not understanding what the fuss was about making Hana just shake her head in disappointment, even Genesis was staring at me with eyes full of dissaprovement.

Only for Aisha to once again sit up on the medical table, and like last time she tried to kill me once again so I slapped her to unconsciousness again.

Sure I could make the nanites keep her in a coma but since I couldn't invade her mind with telepathy because she was too powerful I had to beat her into submission the hard way.

I thought as I watched my Death Angels put on their new power armor produced by the dropships 3D printers on with the help of mechanical arms.

The cycle of Aisha regaining consciousness only to be slapped into unconsciousness by me played out several times, this continued until the dropship reached Einherjar.

In the meantime, Genesis injected both Hana and Ares with nanites which fixed their bodies to perfection making Hana and Ares look no older than 30 once again.

Thou Ares was still unresponsive, as Genesis put it it's his subconsciousness protecting his mind from the total brake down the only hope for him waking up was to see Alucard alive and well once again.

Once we landed in one of Einherjar's hangars Genesis personally pushed Ares to the onboard cloning facility with Hana following, as I grabbed Aisha and threw her onto my right shoulder, and went straight towards my quarters.

Upon reaching my quarters, I threw Aisha down onto my king-sized bed, while I settled into a nearby couch.

Minutes trickled by until Aisha finally woke up once again. As she did, she immediately clutched her perfectly healthy cheek, her eyes filled with a mix of anger.


Aisha's voice carried a mixture of rage and frustration, and I couldn't help but scoff in response.

"Hmph! That's what you get for trying to kill your own father!"

My words were laced with a mix of irritation and sarcasm. While Aisha's anger was understandable given the circumstances, her violent attempts on my life weren't exactly the best way to address the situation. I leaned back on the couch, folding my arms across my chest as I regarded her with a raised eyebrow.

Aisha's expression shifted from anger to a mixture of defiance and vulnerability. She struggled to sit up, her bloodred eyes locking onto mine as she seemed to be grappling with conflicting emotions.

"So mind telling me why you tried to kill me, or did you have no idea who I am?"

I asked as I leaned forward, resting my elbows on my knees, and clasped my hands together as I looked directly at her.

"Because you're evil incarnate! You almost exterminated an entire race a hundred years ago and now you are back to exterminate your own race!"

Aisha's words cut through the air like a blade, heavy with accusations and anger. Her blood-red eyes bore into mine, a mixture of defiance and pain evident in her gaze. I could feel the weight of her words, the emotions that fueled them.

I took a moment to absorb her accusation, understanding the depth of her conviction. It was clear that she had been influenced by a version of events that painted me in the darkest light. I needed to address her concerns, to offer my side of the story.

"I won't deny it, yes I almost exterminated the Briaans 100 years ago but do you know why I did it?"

I leaned back, my gaze not leaving hers as I continued.

"They killed the mother of my daughter, and I'm a man with a lot of problems, my psionic power being one of them, the same power coursing through you..."

I saw Aisha's expression change after hearing this and by the looks of it she knew all too well what I was talking about.

"I'm not justifying what I did back then,"

I continued, my voice steady and earnest.

"But the pain of losing someone you love, someone who's a part of you, it can cloud your judgment, make you do things you wouldn't otherwise consider."

Aisha's expression softened, her anger giving way to a more complex blend of emotions. I could see the conflict within her as she grappled with the new information she was processing.

"I'm not telling you this to absolve myself of my actions,"

I said, my tone serious.

"What I did was wrong, and I'm not denying it. But I also want you to understand the human side of me, the flaws and vulnerabilities that led me down that path."

"Then how do you explain the atrocities you just committed?!"

Aisha roared as she stood up and jumped onto me while wrapping her hands around my grotesque barbed wire scarred neck only for her own neck to be covered by my Death Angel's massive swords.

"Leave us"

I commanded making my Death Angels hesitate for a second but in the end, they listened to my orders as they always do.

Once my room's doors closed themselves I grabbed Aisha's neck and flipped her around.

"First of all the only reason, you're still alive is because you're my daughter..."

I said in a cold dangerous voice as I applied pressure on my right hand clutching her neck.

"Second you might be my daughter but I have a rather short fuze so don't f*cking test me got it?"

I finished my words as I applied even more pressure until I finally saw fear and submission in my daughter's eyes, as I did I let go and got off my daughter.

"Look at my memories and find out for yourself"

I said as I disabled all my mental defenses allowing Aisha to invade my mind with her telepathy.

As Aisha's consciousness merged with mine, she was inundated with a flood of memories, experiences, and emotions that spanned decades. It was a raw, unfiltered glimpse into my life.

She saw the moments of joy and love, the relationships I had cherished and lost. She witnessed the battles fought for survival and the sacrifices made for the greater good. The weight of my regrets and the scars of my past were laid bare before her.

Amidst the memories of triumphs and achievements, she also saw the darkness that had consumed me at times. The decisions driven by anger, vengeance, and a thirst for power that had led to acts of destruction and death.

But alongside those dark moments, Aisha also saw the moments of doubt, the internal struggles, and the relentless pursuit of redemption. She saw the internal battles I had waged, the striving to find a balance between the beast and the human within me.

As the memories unfolded, I offered no defense, no attempt to justify or downplay my actions. Instead, I allowed her to witness the complexities of my character, the contradictions, and the depths of my being.

When the flood of memories finally receded and Aisha's consciousness returned to her own mind, I met her terrified gaze with a solemn expression, awaiting her judgment, knowing that her perception of me had likely shifted.

"Now you've seen it all,"

I said quietly.

"My past is filled with corpses, but it's also not devoid of remorse and the desire to change. I've made mistakes, grave ones, but I've also fought to make amends. What you do with this knowledge is up to you."