The room was a battlefield of its own, the clash of our energies creating shockwaves that rippled through the air. I could feel the strain on my own body and mind as I continued to push against the grandmaster's defenses.

My determination burned like a fire within me, fueled by the need to protect Aisha. With a final surge of energy, I channeled all my psionic power into the black lightning, intensifying its force.

The barrier before me began to crack and fracture, the grandmaster's resistance waning under the onslaught. It was a critical moment, and I seized the opportunity, pouring every ounce of strength I had into the attack.

The barrier shattered with an explosive burst of energy, and the black lightning surged forward, enveloping the grandmaster in its dark embrace. Her form convulsed within the crackling energy, and her screams echoed through the chamber.

As the black lightning consumed her, her body began to disintegrate, the very fabric of her being torn apart by the overwhelming power, and just as I thought it was over something completely out of my expectations happened.

An energy orb of primordial like energy shot into the grandmaster and as It did a voice filled with fury rang out through the entire temple.

"You goddamn cockroach! You dare kill my pawn!"

As it both orders psychics and my soldiers collapsed to their knees not being able to move one bit, with only my Death Angels being able to barely move a muscle.

A golden lightning shot out and enveloped me and now it was my time to feel my body get disintegrated as my nanites did all they could to repair it.

"F*cking son of b*tch, you're a f*cking mistake that shouldn't exist, what the f*ck was that whore thinking?!"

The 8 feet tall heavenly beauty with long sharp ears that looked no different from a human female roared as she walked towards me with her hourglass-shaped body for all to see while continuing to shoot out the lighting from her palm.

"Still dare defy me?! You should be growling before a GOD!"

The b*tch roared as she smashed my head into the floor and continued to apply pressure to the point that my neutronium skull made out of the strongest alloy ever made in the galaxy started cracking.

Only to hear my words filled with defiance.

"Hey b*ch I don't know what your deal is..."

I started saying as I slowly pushed my body upwards to the surprise of the b*tch.

"... but if you don't f*cking take your filthy leg off my head I'll f*cking tear you apart god or not!"

I roared as I pushed myself off completely making the b*ch lose her balance, as she did I punched her stomach with everything I got making her crash into the wall of the temple.

Only to collapse onto my right knee as I splurted out a mouthful of black blood.


I couldn't help but curse as I felt all my strength leaving my body.

Gasping for air, I struggled to stay conscious, every movement feeling like a monumental effort. As I looked up, I saw the imposing figure of the god-like being slowly recovering from the blow I had delivered.

"You... insolent... mortal,"

She hissed, her voice a mix of anger and disbelief.

"F*ck I guess that method is the only way huh"

I muttered to myself as I closed my eyes and let the monster inside me completely take over.

As Dracula did unbeknown to him the end of the cycle watching from the shadows started jumping in place from how happy it currently was.

"Huh, what the?"

The shocked composer cried out as felt Dracula's psionic energy recover rapidly and skyrocket to almost match hers in the fourth dimension.

"So good, he finally let me take over!"

Dracula or to be exact his other personality, one that emboldened his darkest side the monster inside him exclaimed happily as it stood up while cranking its neck.

"Now then shall we finish this?"

Dracula said as he revealed a smile that made the hair on the composer's body stand up from how creepy it looked.

Before the composer even managed to take a step back Dracula already standing behind her called out.

"Don't tell me this is all you got?"

The composer looked back only to see Dracula playing with her arm as he threw it into the air and caught it, only did the pain registered in the composer's mind.


The composer screamed like a pig being slaughtered as she grabbed her bleeding shoulder, not even before evolving into an energy being did she experience such pain.

"Jeez stop screaming this is just the appetizer"

Dracula called out as he arrived before the composer instantly, grabbed her other arm and started smashing her into the ground like a certain green-skinned guy did once.

"Hmmm, yeah you don't need your other either"

Dracula contemplated seriously while looking at the bloody out of breath composer only to grab her other arm while pressing her leg against her large breast after making up his mind and with a tug ripped it off.


The composer with tears and snot running out from her eyes and nose screamed as she wriggled like a worm because the pain was too much.

"Tch! You're no fun at all, oh I know this will shut you up for sure!"

Dracula exclaimed happily as he made a shadow spike pierce the composer's rear and exit through her mouth.

"Finally some peace and quite"

Dracula grinned sadistically as he watched the composer's body twitch while the spike got died in blood.

At this point the composer's mind was completely consumed with pain, all she wanted to do was to level the third dimension and return to the fourth one but because her body hasn't been destroyed completely she couldn't.

"Now then you said that I should grovel before you right? Well I think it's only fair that I make you experience as much pain as possible in return then"

Dracula said as he materialized a pitch-black dagger and started peeling off the composer's skin bit by bit while whistling a happy tune.

"You know in my past life a few kind interrogators did the same to me, so since then I really wanted to try doing it myself, and as they say if you ask you shall receive!"

Dracula exclaimed happily as she threw a piece of skin to the floor.


Lilith watching from the sidelines couldn't take it anymore as she vomited on the spot, she knew that her lover was f*cked up but she never knew that he was f*cked up to this extent.

Even her father the whisperer couldn't help but frown in disgust.

"I... I need to bring him back"

Just as Lilith was about to show herself to Dracula her father stopped her by grabbing her shoulder.

"No Brunhilda, you showing herself would only make matters worse, the only one that can bring him back is the one who is the source of it all"

The whisperer said making Lilith furrow her brows.

"No, he... he will kill her"

Lilith said upon realizing who her father was talking about only to see him shake his head.

"No he won't, he won't dare"


As Dracula continued to peel off the composer's skin he heard someone enter the temple through the rift, as he looked back he froze.

He saw Natasha dressed only in a medical gown stare at him with shock and disbelief written all over her face.

At first, she woke up inside an unfamiliar room, and to her shock, her damaged body looked good as new and she even seemed to return to her youth, then she blacked out all of a sudden only to find herself here.

"D... Drac... is... is that really you?"

Nat called out only to see Dracula's facial expression contort as a vampire does upon having a cross shoved into his face as he said the words she never expected to hear from him.

"What surprised to see me b*tch?!"

Hearing this Nat felt her heart shatter but upon thinking that she was the one that signed his execution order and their last meeting she couldn't help but lower her head in shame.

"I... I..."

Natasha started stammering only to feel her head being yanked backwards.

"You what you f*cking whore?"

Dracula said with such malice and disgust that made tears start gathering in Nat's eyes as she felt Dracula's massive almost naked figure covered in blood press itself against her body as he looked down at her with hate and jealousy-filled eyes.

"I'm sorry"

Nat finally pushed herself to say it.

Hearing this Dracula's face contorted in disgust as he grabbed her neck and slammed her into the floor making the back of her skull crack open only for her nanites to repair it immediately.